we live in a world where efficiency is king and people are looking for a faster, easier, less time consuming way to get things done.
and i get it...i can't deny the ease that all these technological advances have brought to my life, but there is a lot lost in translation and something very special that i cherish and crave about the slower, more face to face less text to text days of yore...
i still love to write notes and send cards the good old fashioned way. it forces me to think more about what i'm writing and i find great joy in thinking about how my little letter will find it's way to whomever i send it off to.
and even more that writing the letter, i love the joy & happiness it brings to those on the receiving end. i know i do a happy little mail jig when i see a brightly colored, hand addressed envelope standing out in my pile of mail... i'm sure you know and love that feeling, too.
so, go ahead. pick a person. write a note and send.
i guarantee you that the $.44 you spend will be well worth the happiness you bring to that person.
i learned from the best!!