Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a little reminder... from your artist within

i recently did a little fingerpainting project with my 1.5 year old and it reminded me of the mass amounts of creative juices that we all have flowing within us.

to watch my little man, hesitant at first, eventually just dive in and get messy... spreading paint...slapping the canvas...asking for more paint...completely consumed until he decided that his masterpiece was complete... it was awesome and inspirational.

we are all creative, we just sometimes forget to let it ooze out of us... but when we do it feels damn good.

so on this fantastic first of day summer, let's all be sure to do something to let our creative essence shine... doodle...paint...cook without a recipe...sing out loud...write a poem...dance in your living room...the world will be better for it & so will you!!!

a very dear friend sent this quote to me & i have it plastered in many places to serve as a reminder to the creator within me...

"The first step- especially for young people with energy and drive and talent, but no money- the first step to controlling your world is to control your culture. to model and demonstrate the kind of world you live in. to write the books. make the music. shoot the films. paint the art." - chuck palahniuk

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