you know that moment during thanksgiving dinner when you go around the table and ask what everyone is thankful for?
yeah, well i'm the girl, without fail, who gets all choked up and can barely spit out whatever heartfelt sentiment i am trying to get out.
i try to keep it together every year, but there is just so much that i am grateful for that i get emotionally overwhelmed trying to decide on just one thing... so, in an attempt to try and keep my composure tomorrow afternoon, i thought i'd use this post to capture my stream of thankfulness and then pick just one thing to say clearly & without tears.
here. we. go...
i'm thankful for who i am and who i'm growing up to be. i'm thankful to have married my best friend and that we're able to grow stronger together each day and more in love with each minute. i'm thankful that i know what it's like to have carried and given birth to a baby. i'm beyond grateful for being a mom and for being taught such important life lessons by such a little person. i'm thankful that curren chose keith and i as his parents. i'm thankful for my parents, for how they raised me and for the unconditional love and support that they give. i'm thankful that i can call my mom and dad my friends, and that i can appreciate them for the people they are and who they strive to be. i'm thankful for my little sister who inspires me with the guts, risk, and determination that it takes to follow ones dream. i'm thankful that we know each other so well that sometimes we don't even need words to express how we feel. i'm grateful to have the most amazing group of girlfriends to laugh, smile, cry and share my innermost secrets with. i'm grateful for the minutes, hours (or if i'm lucky) a whole weekend when i can be with one or all of them and just relish in the conversations and closeness we share. i'm grateful for learning to be independent and having self-confidence. i'm thankful for having guy friends who serve as the older brothers i never had. i'm thankful for the adventures, challenges, and endless opportunities that life puts in front of us, and for the lessons that go with each. i'm grateful that things always work out as they should. i'm thankful for the universe and it's way of unfolding. i'm thankful for karma. i'm thankful for the ability to laugh at myself, to enjoy each day, and not take life too seriously. i'm grateful for yoga, the lessons learned on the mat and practiced off. i'm thankful for my job. i'm thankful i can afford to splurge on myself and others. i'm thankful for the ability to help. i'm grateful for those who teach me more about who i want to become. i'm thankful for aspiration. i'm thankful for the circle of life and for the silver lining tucked within. i'm thankful for the ability to forgive. i'm thankful i've been forgiven. i'm thankful for living with no regrets. i'm grateful for creativity. i'm thankful for change. i'm thankful for music. i'm thankful for life's indulgences. i'm grateful for belief...and i'm thankful for each new day.
ahhhh... there.
now go.
enjoy your day and be thankful for all the abundance that surrounds you...and for pete's sake, EAT!!